Vegan bake sale for Haiti in San Luis Obispo today 10-2. In 4 hours we raised $258.76 to send to
Partners in Health . Not to shabby! We had plenty of baked goods and someone brought some fresh out of the oven pretzels and small focaccia rounds. YUM!!!
This Maryann (left) me(right).
It was nice to finally meet some people from the vegan/vegetarian meetup group in San Luis Obispo, I just wish it wasn't 50min. away.
When I e-mailed the idea for the bake sale to the group Judith(the gal in red) took no time to set the date and place to have it. It was really nice to see so many baked goods when I arrived about 10:15, I got a bit lost. There were different members that stopped by during the bake sale so I was able to meet a few more. Everyone was so nice. Oh one of the ladies I met works for the ASPCA. How cool is that! 

Check out some of these awesome treats! We had cupcakes, chocolate peanut butter bars, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, coconut muffins, pretzels, etc.
Not only did I forget to take pictures of the goodies I baked I also forgot to bring my camera to the bake sale. Luckily Judith had hers and posted the pic's on the meetup site. So you see that cinnamon roll on the bottom left? That's mine, yeppers I made cinnamon rolls and these were the first to sell out. I got to tell you they turned out awesome. I made the recipe from VCON. I had to split a small end piece with my son, just to make sure they tasted good enough to sell and they did! hee hee hee. 

I also made these Carmel Pecan Bars I found on line the other day. Next time I'll need to line the pan with parchment so they will come out of the pan easier. I will also adjust the recipe to the pecan layer on the bottom layer a bit. I also made orange and chocolate chip biscotti(biscotti is one of my favs). 

Maryann made these mini carob muffins. Oh these were so yummy they tasted like chocolate.
It was nice to hear people say it was cool to see that all of the baked goods were vegan. We got such a good response from everyone. We didn't put a price on anything, we just said it was donation and I think it was a good thing we did that because people gave more. It was also nice to see younger people donate as well. All in all I think it was a good turnout and people were able to see and taste that vegan treats taste just as good, or better, as the other stuff!